It’s a fact and you may have been told otherwise but any lightning detection system that relies on any form of internet, cell phone or computer processing is quite simply flawed, delayed and NOT REAL TIME !!!! and they never will be.

So you are paying a VERY expensive system that could cause a life to be lost.

What happens when a cellphone tower or network goes down? It happens every day in South Africa and it happens frequently and even more so with Loadshedding.

What happens when there is an internet outage or internet problems? Well this happens frequently too and also on a daily basis but your so-called life and business protecting lightning detection system depends on this ???

Are you mad?

Technology WILL fail you !!

No matter how smart these other systems may “appear” to be to you they are inherently flawed by delays and will never be real time.

Storms can and do move at rapid speeds in South Africa and seconds count so while you are waiting for your fancy app or computer dashboard to update it may already be too late.

Equipment could be damaged and lives could be lost simply because of something as simple as an internet delay or central computing system glitch and you better believe it happens.

  • You need to know how close a storm is
  • You need to know if its approaching or moving away
  • and you need to know NOW !!! not later !!!!

Real Time Lightning Detection is the ONLY true safe and accurate solution.

It’s really that simple, real time lightning detection devices that alert you within milliseconds of a lightning strike not a second, 5 seconds, 20 seconds or 5 minutes later … they tell you NOW !!!!

The competitor systems are delayed by anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes, they are nowhere near real time.

You, your staff, your site managers need to make decisions and they need to make them fast, not only to safeguard lives but also safeguard very expensive equipment that could be damaged.

Shutting down something like a mining operation or construction site is no joke, its costly, VERY costly and you need to have the ability for those in charge to make those decisions based on sensible and real time information.